Little Girl Beats Meningitis To Become A Child Model

When Jessica Fay was diagnosed with meningitis and Septicaemia at just 15 weeks old her parents and doctors feared the worst. But this brave little girl has fully recovered and gone on to become a successful child model…

When Jessica Fay was diagnosed with meningitis and Septicaemia at just 15 weeks old her parents and doctors feared the worst. Tragically many victims of these terrifying conditions die within hours, and over 40 per cent are left with severe disabilities.

But Models Direct has just heard this particular brave little girl’s heart-warming story and are delighted to share it with our readers. With the fast thinking of her parents and hard work of doctors, Jessica Fay not only miraculously recovered from her battle – she has also gone on to become a child model. Apparently the five year old loves to take part in pageants too and has come runner up in three such contests.

According to the Daily Mail, Jessica’s mother Laura realised that something was wrong when her daughter failed to wake up one night for her usual feed. On checking the toddler she noticed that Jessica had a high temperature and immediately rushed her to the doctor where she was referred to hospital as a precaution. As Laura got Jessica ready for bed at the hospital she noticed purple spots on her leg and asked a nurse to examine them. Shortly afterwards she and partner Adam could only watch and hope as their daughter was diagnosed with meningitis and given a life-saving blood transfusion.

Laura said: “When she was poorly we didn’t think she was going to make it, we feared the worst, that even if she did live that she would lose her limbs or have brain damage, we didn’t know what to expect.

It was a massive relief when she started to pull through, babies died while we were at the hospital from meningitis, it was so frightening.”

Jessica’s hearing was affected by her battle with meningitis but she has recently been able to start at a mainstream school and to date has modelled for brands including Argos, Very, Littlewoods and Kays.

“Jessica is just such an amazing little girl, to see her now posing and twirling for the cameras is just wonderful after everything she went through,” said Laura. “I can’t believe how well she’s done. She just loves doing her modelling and she’s so cute everyone else seems to just love her too. She’s a natural at it – though I might be a bit biased as her mum!”

Models Direct wishes Jessica and her family all the very best.

For support with issues relating to meningitis, or more information on how to spot this dangerous illness please visit or call the 24-hour helpline – 0808 80 10 388.