Rebecca Romijn & Her Baby Twins Model For Got Milk Campaign

Baby models Dolly & Charlie appear in Got Milk campaign – if you are interested in getting your child into modelling, contact Models Direct & apply for free

Rebecca Romijn & Her Baby Twins Model For Got Milk Campaign
Rebecca Romijn & Her Baby Twins Model For Got Milk Campaign

In what is perhaps one of the most adorable celebrity ad campaigns of all time, Rebecca Romijn starred alongside her gorgeous baby twins Dolly and Charlie for the hugely popular ‘Got Milk’ campaign back in 2010.

The 37-year-old former model and Ugly Betty star unveiled her milk moustache with her one-year-old daughters in this iconic ‘Got Milk’ ad. Their baby modelling debut helped raise awareness of a new charitable endeavour, which donates milk to promote its importance to growing families. The ‘Great Gallon to Give’ campaign allows people to donate a virtual gallon of milk to those in need via Facebook. For every virtual gallon, the Milk Processor Education Program (MilkPEP) will donate $1 to Feeding America.

“We wanted to salute moms for all they do to help build strong families,” said Vivien Goodfrey, CEO of MilkPEP. “Milk is an easy and affordable way for moms to celebrate their family and make sure they get the nutrients they need.”

The astonishing popularity of advertising campaigns such as this one ultimately shows just how much of a soft spot the buying public has for gorgeous model babies and model agencies simply cannot get enough of these adorable youngsters.

The twins are also proof of just how rewarding modelling can be for everybody, regardless of age. These children had never been through this type of experience before, but successfully managed to make audiences go gooey over their cuteness!

Of course, getting children to remain still and calm whilst having their photograph taken can be a little challenging, but the rewards are enormous. Not only are you left with a collection of stunning photographs of your children, but their contribution to such advertisements can also help to raise awareness for hugely important charities and brands. The whole intention of the ‘Got Milk’ advertisement was to emphasise the importance milk has in building healthy, strong families; a message which is very clearly demonstrated in the striking photographs of Rebecca and her healthy, happy twins.

If you are interested in getting your child into baby modelling, simply fill in an online form on the Models Direct website and upload a few photographs. If your baby’s application is successful, Models Direct will put them forward every time a client requests baby models or child models with their specific look.