Preparing your child for jobs at baby modelling agencies

When you signed up to a few baby modelling agencies in the summer, it might have been on a whim. You didn’t really expect a lot to come of it. In the New Year you had a few spare minutes to spruce up the old profile, and as a result, your baby was invited to a casting. That went swimmingly, and now the shoot itself is just round the corner.

You didn’t give it a lot of thought before the casting because you weren’t really thinking you’d get any further. But it was all much more straightforward than you thought, and your little one was a natural.

So it can’t be as much fun or as simple as the casting, surely?


Modelling itself doesn’t have to be carried out with military precision.  If you have more fun with it you’re likely to be – and look – more relaxed and so the photographs you end up with will look far more natural. Even if you’re able to put on a convincing fake smile, nervous body language can make you look awkward. If it’s your baby who’s the star, you keeping calm will help them feel relaxed too.

Prepare for your day at the baby modelling agencies early

As a first time modelling parent, you might not think too much about what you need to bring with you or how you need to behave on the day. As soon as you have confirmed the job, discuss as many of the finer details as you can think of with your baby modelling agency or your agent to make sure you’re both good and ready.

The more you know about what to expect, the more relaxed you’ll feel.

Here’s a few questions you could ask:

  • Is there parking available on site?

  • Does my baby need to wear anything in particular?

  • Will it be still photographs or will the job involve some filming?

  • How early shall we plan to arrive?

  • If everything goes to plan, where will the images be printed and when?

Some of these questions should be asked before you confirm – it’s always a good idea to check how accessible an area is, especially if you rely on public transport or have to find parking. Driving for hours or having to wait for a bus could make you late and is also not going to be the easiest with a baby in tow. If your baby modelling agencies don’t know the answer to these queries off hand, they should be able to find out for you; it’s all part of the service!

And relax!

Once you know what’s expected of you – and your little one – make sure you’re both looking your best. You’re both going to need a good night’s sleep.

If you can manage it, try and get a bit of mum time in as well. A long bath, cuddling up with a film or a light walk can all help take your mind off the task ahead. Whatever makes you feel most comfortable, give yourself an evening off the day before will help set you up for the day ahead. It could end up being quite a long one so it’s a good idea to get sleep if nothing else!

On the day

Allow plenty of time to get to your destination, just in case anything goes wrong. Make sure you have a phone number for your baby modelling agency or whoever is organising the day so that you can let them know if you’re running late in plenty of time.