Following a tremendously ill-advised FHM cover concept, that resulted in outrage earlier in the year, the men’s mag has once again been linked to racism within weeks.
FHM Model Jessica Leandra dos Santos Axed Over Racist Tweets

Following a tremendously ill-advised FHM cover concept, that resulted in outrage earlier in the year, the men’s mag has once again been linked to racism within weeks. This time due to shocking comments made by one of its top models – Jessica Leandra dos Santos.
Talent Management recently reported on the March Philippines ‘stepping out of the shadows’ FHM cover design that was quickly pulled after a preview on Facebook resulted in disgusted responses from readers. Now the brand has been negatively brought back into the spotlight in association with another racist incident – no wonder they have acted so quickly in disassociating themselves from this latest controversy!
Jessica Leandra dos Santos caused outrage with her comment on Twitter: “Just, well took on an arrogant and disrespectful k***** inside Spar. Should have punched him, should have.” Her title as FHM model of the year was instantly withdrawn.
Brendan Cooper, editor of FHM is quoted in the Saturday Star as saying: “We are appalled … and would like to formally announce that she has been stripped of her title as winner of the FHM Modelbook 2011 competition with immediate effect. She was merely the winner of an online poll we ran. We totally distance ourselves from her blatantly racist comments.”
But things didn’t end here. Another model, Tshidi Thamana, unfortunately added to the already incredibly tense situation by responding in an equally racist fashion: “I wish All White People were killed when you sang ‘kill the boer’ we wouldn’t be experiencing @Jessica Leandra’s racism right now.”
The models have both since apologised for their outbursts, with Santos describing her own actions as “ludicrous and irresponsible” and Thamana saying that her response “was tweeted in anger” but the incident is a sad reflection of how much racism still remains in our society.
Thoughtless use of social networking sites can not only cause widespread offence, but also spark anger and hatred among those who witness it. Some feel that the models involved should now be banned from using social networking sites to express their views at all.
What do you think? Is freedom of speech something that should be afforded to everyone, or does there come a point where it is a privilege that should be taken away from those who do not have the foresight to use it responsibly?