Talent Management’s Winter Skincare Tips For A Model Complexion

Models at Talent Management knows how important it is to care for and protect their skin all year round in order to look their best…

Talent Management model moisturising tips
Talent Management model moisturising tips

During these colder months skin can really suffer as harsh weather and central heating strips it of moisture and vitamin D boosting sunshine becomes less available.
Models at Talent Management know how important it is to care for and protect their skin all year round in order to look their best – particularly during and after the party season which creates additional stressors for the complexion.

Luckily many of our most successful models are happy to share their best skincare secrets with us and we’ve decided to pass them on to you so that you can benefit too! Read on for our top five Talent Management winter skincare tips.

Know your skin type

This may mean seeking advice from a skincare specialist. You can get this kind of advice for free in the cosmetic section at your nearest department store, or, for a more personal and thorough assessment, treat yourself to a consultation with a beauty therapist.

The right product/s

Take time to find the right product/s for you. Once you have learned about your specific skin type and its particular needs it is time to search for your ideal skincare products. The best way to pin point your these, beyond professional advice, is trial and error. Talent Management models recommend that you always try samples of products before you buy, so do not be afraid to ask for them. Top of our list of essentials would be a good quality day and night cream.


Protecting your skin from harsh weather is important. You can do this not only with your favourite day cream but also with a scarf or pashmina on particularly cold or windy days, which will physically protect your skin from the elements. Wrap up went you’re outdoors and don’t forget that sunglasses are not just a summer accessory – they will protect the delicate skin around your eyes all year long.

Stay hydrated

Central heating can really dry out your skin during colder months so stay hydrated with water or, for a warming alternative, your favourite herbal tea. Moisturise your skin day and night religiously whether or not you feel you have an oily complexion as every skin type will benefit from this habit. If your skin is oily or combination simply opt for an oil free moisturiser that works for you.

No time like the present!

Start today and our models promise that you will notice a difference in your complexion within the first week.