With thriving companies such as Evian, Green Giant and Triple Velvet famously opting to use child and baby models for their recent campaigns it is becoming apparent to advertisers, modelling agencies and parents alike, just how much of an impact younger models can have on national and international audiences.
Baby Models In Advertising

With thriving companies such as Evian, Green Giant and Triple Velvet famously opting to use child and baby models for their recent campaigns it is becoming apparent to advertisers, modelling agencies and parents alike, just how much of an impact younger models can have on national and international audiences.
It seems that the old saying ‘never work with children or animals’ is being wilfully ignored as firms like these cash in on the appeal of our little sweethearts, and the truth is that images of cute children and babies are not just generating vast profits for big businesses, they are also helping to raise awareness of deserving charitable causes too. A great example of this is the Pampers/Unicef campaign which has been running since 2006.
Models Direct baby model Max is one of many children who are not only wooing the public and building fantastic memories with their modelling experiences but also paying into their own bank accounts at a rate that many adults cannot compete with.
Max’s mum Katy told us: “We never expected that Max would be chosen as the “hero” baby for the Pampers campaign. We were delighted and so proud of him. It has been a lovely experience and we look forward to embarrassing him with the story when he is older.”
If you are wondering whether baby or child modelling would be a positive experience for your youngster you could begin by seeing how they react to being in front of the camera at home. Children who are comfortable with being the centre of attention generally cope better with modelling shoots than quieter children.
If you are interested in finding out more about baby modelling or child modelling it is easy to fill in an online application form on the Models Direct’s modelling agency website and upload some favourite images to be reviewed by the panel. You will be contacted within approximately 5 days and given a decision on your application.
You never know, your little treasure could end up joining Models Direct models like Annalisa’s daughter, Charlotte: “Charlotte really enjoyed the assignment. She was involved in 2 different photo shoots, one for a carpet and one for a bath range. She was happy during the whole 2 hours we were there, and the lady helping the photographer was excellent at making Charlotte laugh and look in the right direction.
“There were quite a few babies there this time and it was nice to meet them and their parents. Charlotte has now completed two assignments with Babies ‘R’ Us.”