In this week’s episode, Models Direct tuned in to see underwear model Charlotte and the curvy Jessye B both compete for the same modelling job for Supertrash. Here is where the competitive nature of modelling is plain for all to see. The casting agents are both fine examples of the harsh nature to be expected from the modelling industry; their open discussions in front of Charlotte regarding her ‘vague’ and ‘uninterested’ manner certainly hold no sugar-coated words. Not surprisingly, Jessye B gets the job.
Dirty Sexy Things – Episode 4 Review

In this week’s episode, Models Direct tuned in to see underwear model Charlotte and the curvy Jessye B both compete for the same modelling job for Supertrash. Here is where the competitive nature of modelling is plain for all to see. The casting agents are both fine examples of the harsh nature to be expected from the modelling industry; their open discussions in front of Charlotte regarding her ‘vague’ and ‘uninterested’ manner certainly hold no sugar-coated words. Not surprisingly, Jessye B gets the job.
Meanwhile, Jesse’s modelling career is skyrocketing with a Lacoste photoshoot; he reveals some interesting trade secrets including what appears to be a perfectly-fitting Lacoste sweater which in fact is carefully safety pinned around him at the back. Interestingly, Jesse is offered a screen test as a T4 presenter and wastes no time in telling his agent that this is the route he wants to follow in order to use his brain as well as his looks.
Adaptability is a key aspect of this episode; Jay spends a considerable amount of time suggesting to his agent that he change his hair and remove his piercings to look more ‘classic’. While Jesse’s hair intermittently changes colour quicker than a set of traffic lights – blonde-black-blonde-black…
Romance is not left out of this episode either. Having hit if off during previous shoots together, BB & Charlotte go on a date – hilariously, it seems the waiter serving them also has his eyes on BB which seems to send Charlotte spiralling into a minor panic.
The remainder of episode 4 focuses on the four chosen models for Perou’s next shoot: Charlotte, Jessye B, Jay and Jesse. Drunken sparks fly and Jay spends large amounts of time lurking in doorways provoking his fellow models, which of course doesn’t go down too well with Jessye B. Having humiliated himself, Jay promptly leaves the following morning before the shoot even begins.
Charlotte, having made her hatred of fish clearly known, is not happy upon discovering that this is the theme for the week’s photo shoot. However, the mark of a professional model, she did not show that this was affecting her in any way. Jessye B also proved to be especially proficient even when modelling with a dead, cold, slightly-rotten octopus on her head. Lovely.
Tune in next Monday with Models Direct as BB, Charlotte, Jesse and Ariella fly out to Iceland and wear some of the country’s top designers’ creations.