20s And 30s, Health Focus

During your 20s and 30s life can move at quite a pace! You’re making big decisions about your future, which for most of us means working hard. You may have a relationship or be single, you may be a parent, or could be considering having children. Either way you are bound to be juggling family, relationships and career to some extent. This period of our lives is very exciting but it is also very demanding. Talent Management has put together some tips for those in their 20s and 30s that should help you to stay on top of the demands that this challenging time can bring.

Sleep and relaxation.
With so much to fit in it’s essential that your energy levels are kept to an optimum. One of the most important factors here is getting enough relaxation and sleep time into your routine. Aim for 7 hours sleep a night and an hour prior to bedtime in which to ‘wind down’ – maybe with a bath followed by some reading. Talent Management is also a great believer in meditation or gentle yoga as a form of relaxation which will help you to ‘disconnect’ from the stresses of the day.

Diet. We all know that, no matter how busy you may be, the temptation to top up with caffeine, sugary snacks and convenient, processed, ready meals should be avoided – but this can be easier said than done. Try these basic rules to help you to stay on track: Stay hydrated with filtered or bottled water. Start your day with slow release energy foods like porridge oats or a poached egg on wholemeal toast. Keep a bowl of fresh fruit at home and some dried fruit and nuts in the car, and at work, for quick fix snacks. Switch white bread and pasta to wholemeal. Include protein, such as lean meats and fish, in your main meals. Reduce your caffeine and alcohol intake.

Activities. Find an activity that you enjoy doing, it could be anything! Set aside some time at least once a week to enjoy it. Ideally something that involves raising your heart rate will give you the biggest benefits and to really maximise them make it a social experience that you can enjoy with a friend. Good examples include; a regular swim, a walk in the park, ten pin bowling or a dance class.