Today, Talent Management was encouraged to read that modelling has ignited confidence in a 22st woman who endured years of bullying.
22 Stone Woman Nicknamed ‘Garbage Disposal’ Becomes Plus-Size Beauty Queen

Today, Talent Management was encouraged to read that modelling has ignited confidence in a 22st woman who endured years of bullying.
Having been nicknamed ‘garbage disposal’ and ‘fatty’ at school, 23-year-old Victoria Christensen was understandably insecure. But after entering Miss Plus America, a modelling pageant specifically for accomplished, beautiful, full-figured women, she says she’s gained the confidence boost needed to be proud of her curves.
Speaking to the media, she said: “I used to watch the Miss America pageant as a child and wished I could be one of those girls. I had decided that I was never going to be skinny enough or pretty enough to do that so year after year I would watch them and continue to wish.
“At school people commonly called me fat and ‘fatty’ – the worst was ‘garbage disposal’ because people thought I ate too much. But I don’t remember anything more than that because I’ve tried to let them go and remove any negative forces in my life.
“My gorgeous sisters are 10 and 16 years older than me and I remember going to a few local parades and seeing them with beautiful dresses and people waving at them – I wanted to be that girl.”
The pretty brunette explained that she first considered modelling when browsing Facebook. Having come across a link to an interview with the Miss Plus America 2011 winner, she found out about the plus-size pageant.
“My first thought was ‘wait a minute – plus?'” she said. “I realised I had a chance to be one of the girls I thought I would never be skinny enough or pretty enough to be. I was obviously anxious but my amazing husband Fred encouraged me and kept on telling me it would be alright and he really wanted to see me do this.
“I spoke to the wonderful organisers and when Fred saw my expression each time I spoke with them he pushed me more. I remember feeling accepted for the first time. Not too long after I entered I noticed myself being more confident. About two months before the pageant Fred walked in on me in the bathroom crying and asked me what was the matter. I explained that for the first time in my life I could look into the mirror and actually like what I see looking back. I realised I was becoming what I’d wanted to see in myself for nearly my whole life to date.
“I want to send out a positive message about feeling confident with who you are. Miss Plus America changed my life and helped me see what a woman should be. It has turned me from a girl into a woman and given me the strength to accept myself and shine.
While Victoria may not have won the national title, she was crowned Mrs. Utah Plus America 2012, and it seems the experience of modelling was more rewarding than the crown itself.