Multi-talented fashion models Tali Lennox, Harry Gilliam, Polly Brown and Mark Waddleton will all be showing pieces of their work in an art exhibition called Identity…
Multi-Talented Models Tali Lennox & Harry Gilliam Display Works Of Art In London Gallery

Talent and modelling agency Talent Management has just heard about an interesting art exhibition due to run for a week from June 29th, at the Whisper Gallery, London. Multi-talented fashion models Tali Lennox, Harry Gilliam, Polly Brown and Mark Waddleton will all be showing pieces of their work in a collection called Identity that – according to the Telegraph – “aims to investigate the issues of real versus perceived identity in society”.
All of the models involved are said to have been blessed not only with good looks but also artistic flair – which will be demonstrated at the gallery. Harry Gilliam (son of film director, Monty Python member and actor Terry Gilliam) is currently the face of Hermes, but he’s also well-known for his amazing artwork.
Talent Management loves his website where he shares photography, videography, sculpture, paintings and work in inks, stating: “My artwork is designed to be enjoyed by all adults and children alike. My work is not conceptual, and you won’t find any unmade beds or diamond skulls here.” What you will find is some impressive talent.
He told the Telegraph when asked about his work in the Identity exhibition: “I have always had a strong awareness of my reality and the perception others have of me. It comes from being someone who has over-examines everything, even myself, and being in this industry only exaggerates my sense of identity and what the outside thinks of me, because to survive you really have to know who you are to not lose yourself in the craziness of it all. It does give a greater insight, but only in the way that it just makes people’s preconceptions and judgments of you stronger, and more often harsher, making the contrasts even clearer.”
We will definitely be checking the exhibition out later in the month – let us know if you do too!